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DDMES Important Updates!

Writer's picture: Dillard Drive Magnet PTA Dillard Drive Magnet PTA

We can’t wait to start the 21-22 School Year! We are both prepared and excited for our students and staff who will be learning with us either in person or virtually this coming year. I’m confident we will continue to utilize resources and strategies to keep students, staff, and families healthy while they actively engage in learning. The information below is based on current health and mask/social distancing requirements. Changing guidelines can result in how any of the events below are scheduled. Presently, students, staff, and visitors must wear a mask when in the building. Masks are optional outside.

  • First Day of School

    • Monday, August 23rd 1st-5th grades

    • Monday 23rd-Wed 25th Staggered entry for Kindergarten

  • School Bell information

    • 7:00-8:45 am (Before School Care, registration required)

    • Arrival Bell 8:45 am (students can enter the building)

    • Late Bell 9:15 am - Students will be marked tardy

    • Dismissal Bell 3:45 pm - The dismissal window ends at 4:10 pm. All carpool students must be picked up by then.

    • 3:45-6:00 pm (YMCA, registration required)

  • Breakfast/Lunch

    • Free for ALL students this year.

      • Students can receive free breakfast and lunch throughout the 21-22 school year.

  • Meet the Teacher-Thursday, August 19th Students in grades 1-5

    • In order to limit the crowds in the building, Meet the Teacher will be organized in a staggered format by families' last name.

    • Families with different last names may choose one.

    • We are also limited in the amount of family that can come to the student(s) and one-two caregivers. Please avoid bringing additional siblings and family.

    • When families enter the building, they will only get to visit their student(s)' homeroom teacher (no visiting former teachers this year).

    • Other resources will be set up outside so we can avoid large groups inside.

    • Please only enter the building at your designated time. If you need one of the additional resources that will be outside, you may visit before or after your designated “Meet the Teacher Time”.

    • We are offering a Virtual Meet the Teacher for all students (1st-5th) if you prefer not to come to campus. It will be from 4-4:20 and links to join will be shared by your child(ren)’s teacher next week.

    • The schedule below is tentative and could change to an all Virtual Format for all students, based on district guidance. Also, here is a link to a video of me explaining this format. Meet the Teacher Explanation.

Thursday, August 19, 2021


*optional if your family needs it. We would love for all families to join the PTA!

Kindergarten Meet the Teacher is Thursday, August 26th from 5-6:30 pm (virtual option TBD)

  • Transportation

    • Please make sure you communicate with your child’s teacher how your child will be going home each day from school.

    • Powerschool is currently disabled and will be available once Transportation has released bus route details for the 21-22 year. Parents that still need to request bus transportation may access the form at You will need your child’s student identification number to register.

    • If you registered for the bus, you will get an email from WCPSS with your child’s bus stop and time before school begins.

    • If you registered for a bus, but will not be using the bus. Please decline bus service at

    • If you aren’t registered for Powerschool you can do that during Meet the Teacher.

    • AM carpool runs from 8:45-9:10 am (late bell is at 9:15).

    • PM carpool is from 3:45-4:10

  • Grade Level Supply Lists

    • Our supply lists are posted on our website but if you don’t have supplies yet, please don’t purchase. We are getting a large donation of supplies that will support both VA and in-person students!

  • Virtual Academy

    • Virtual Academy students will have a separate day to pick up their supplies and chromebooks, if a chromebook is not already signed out to your child. VA distribution day: chromebooks, resources, & materials - Friday, August 20th In CARPOOL Lane.

      • K-1st 1:00 - 2:00 pm

      • 2nd-3rd 2:00 - 3:00 pm

      • 4th-5th 3:00 - 4:00 pm

  • Safety Procedures For the School Year

    • Over the course of the next few days, I will be sending out guidance for safety and health procedures we will be implementing, in addition to wearing masks while in the building. This includes but is not limited to social distancing, limiting large groups in common areas, etc.

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