Our first curriculum night will be on Thursday, September 30th, from 5-6pm. This is a virtual event that will allow you to hear important instructional information about what your child will be learning throughout our first semester. We will also have additional video links about our Magnet Theme and other programs at Dillard. Links to families will be sent on Wednesday, 9/29 via School Messenger.
At this time, we are unable to receive food from visitors. Please do not send in ANY food or items for birthday celebrations. This includes any type of special treat, snack, or goody bag of any kind. Classroom teachers will recognize students’ birthdays and will ensure that students are recognized on their special day.
FACE COVERINGS: Please make sure your child is wearing a mask when they get on their bus each morning or come through carpool. We are having many students arrive on campus daily without masks. Students that continually get on the bus without a mask could be in jeopardy of losing their bus privileges. Please reach out to if you need assistance.
ABSENCES: If your student is out, for whatever the reason, please communicate with your child’s teacher. We don’t want to assume that the student was sick and needs to follow quarantine/sick student guidelines before returning to school.
Please help us keep students and staff healthy and do not send sick students to school. We continue to have students come to school that are sick with the below symptoms. These students are being sent directly to the Care Center, which requires a staff member to supervise. Please help us by keeping your child at home if they are not feeling well or have any of the below symptoms.
All students should have their temperature taken every day at home before coming to school. You may not enter a school or WCPSS facility if you are:
Diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 10 days
Exposed to COVID-19 within the last 14 days and not fully vaccinated
Instructed to quarantine
Sick or experiencing any of these symptoms of illness
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
When students can return to school
Students who are not feeling well but do not have one of the COVID-19 symptoms listed above may return to school after they have gone at least 24 hours without a fever or the use of fever-reducing medicine.
View for requirements to return after a COVID-19 diagnosis, exposure, or symptoms.
*** If you have a child that has an outstanding Covid 19 test and you are waiting on the results, PLEASE do not send your child to school until the results are back.
If your child is out sick, please make sure you communicate with your child’s teacher. Please send an alternate diagnosis from the doctor, or a negative Covid 19 PCR test if your child was out due to feeling unwell with a Covid symptom. Remember students must be symptom free to return even if they have a negative Covid 19 test.
If your student is out, for whatever the reason, please communicate with your child’s teacher. We don’t want to assume that the student was sick and needs to follow quarantine/sick student guidelines before returning to school.
September 30th-Curriculum Night